Dairy cattle
Design of stables for dairy cows, supplying and installation of several equipment. Locking yokes, extendible gates, cubicles, scrapers, mattress, drinking bowls and accessories.
Distributors of French brands specialized in cattle: Agritubel, Jordain and La Gee.
- Different sizes of hot galvanized locking yokes with lower safety opening and strong structure.
- Galvanizes locking yokes for wild cows with upper opening.
- Extendible gates, galvanized and reinforced with 4 or 5 bars.
- Different types of cubicles manufactured in galvanized pipe Ø60, fixed or adjustable in height.
- Cable system scrapers with 0.75 HP to 2 HP motors, depending on the stable’s length. Folding blades with cleaning flaps at the edges and stainless steel cable Ø8mm covered in polyethylene. Economical system easy to install and energy efficient.
- Hydraulic scrapers with 4 HP motors, for wide stables. Strong folding blade with cleaning flaps at the edges and solid trail. Long lasting system with little maintenance.
- Tilting drinking troughs in stainless steel , with high flow valve and galvanized support to fix either on the floor or on the wall. Custom-made and standard in 225×50, 250×50 and 300×50 cms.
- Wide range of individual drinking troughs in aluminium, plastic or cast iron with valve or level valve.
- Hard rubber anti-slip mattress and designed to improve cow’s comfort. Standard sizes: 125x185x3 cms.
- High flow fans 230/400V 50 Hz with stainless steel blades to replace air in cows’ stables. Available models: Ø66 cm. 0.5 HP 15600M3/h; Ø79 cm. 0.5 HP 17100M3/h; Ø99 cm. 0.75 HP 24900M3/h; Ø127 cm. 1.5 HP 41300M3/h y Ø175 cm. 2 HP 72400M3/h.