Unstoppable against Leukaemia

For over 30 years, driven by the challenge of making leukaemia, someday, a 100 % curable disease, in the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation tirelessly impulse all kinds of projects for the benefit of patients and science.

The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute is a member of the CERCA group of centres founded by the Catalan Government to promote a biomedical cluster in the north of Spain. The IJC will work to improve the diagnostics, prognosis and treatment of leukaemia and other haematological diseases. It will do this by assembling a group of international researchers; they will work on both basic and clinical aspects of the diseases and in close collaboration with reference hospitals and the doctors treating patients. The eventual goal is to make all leukaemias curable.

We are proud to say that ERRA is a corporate member since 2014.